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Get Hyped for EDC Las Vegas Preparties and Afterparties with these Playlists

by | Apr 28, 2022 | Festivals

📷: Jake West

LAS VEGAS, NV — Electric Daisy Carnival, the largest electronic music festival in the world, offers 3 days of dusk ‘til dawn EDM on massive stages in an immersive LED-lit environment. But did you know that the party doesn’t start or stop with the festival itself? EDC Week 2022 is bringing over 80 artists to 18 venues and nightclubs in the days leading up to and after EDC. Camp EDC will also offer pool parties on-site at Las Vegas Motor Speedway, from May 21-24. The Thursday preparty will light up the night from 8PM-3AM with big names in House Music like Fisher, CID, and Yolanda Be Cool. Pool parties will bring in more deep house, tech house, techno as well as bass music from 1-5PM on each day of EDC before the gates to the main festival grounds open. John Summit B2B Lee Foss, Claptone and more will play afterparties at Camp EDC from 5-10AM on Saturday, Sunday and Monday.

Separate tickets for these events are required for entry to these preparties and afterparties. Limited RV passes are still available for Camp EDC, VIP passes for EDC Las Vegas, and individual tickets for EDC Week concerts.

Here at Electric Feels, we want you to be ready and jacked in with the best tunes from artists playing at these events, so we’ve offered a playlist for each below, as well as a bonus playlist with the artists playing at the main stage at EDC Las Vegas 2022.

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Written by Colin Eldridge

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